Workflow Automation

Make life easier with our suite of customized actions that can automate endless combinations of tasks.

Screenshot from within Right Click Tools of the RCT Builder and how to create automated tasks.

Say Goodbye to Repetitive Tasks

SysAdmins have many repetitive tasks to accomplish. While more pressing issues are raging, you’re stuck doing the same thing, over and over, just waiting for human error to happen. Automating these tasks and getting back to more complex issues would be a dream come true, right? Right Click Tools has a complete, in-console workflow automation suite. Customize everything from input parameters, conditional responses, loopback steps and more. Over 450 actions across dozens of categories. Run it on a schedule. Share access. Eliminate human error. Automate practically any sys admin function.

Build/Runner: In-console workflow creation suite with an accompanying execution and scheduling platform. Perform over 450 actions across dozens of categories.

Ready to get started?

Contact us today to get a customized quote for any of our endpoint manager software solutions!

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